Sunday 15 January 2012

setting targets

Inspired by a close friend and fellow blogger Nic Ashley, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I want out of life. I've always been fairly driven with my eyes on some type of goal, but I've never really sat down and thought about what I'm working toward in the long term. I think (hope) this will help to keep me on track... helps to know where you're going, right?

My biggest goal at the moment, and I'm sure this is the same for many, is to find "the" job for me. I'm hoping that I'll be able to find a job that combines my skills and my interests, so that going to work isn't just something I do for money, but rather something that I do to feel challenged, productive, capable... and well, getting paid is always good too. I've always had dreams of running a large horse facility, but of course, that requires a lot of money to begin with. I've accepted that unless I win the lotto or have some huge stroke of luck, that's an unattainable goal. So, now I get to decide what the runner up will be... the "real world" equivalent... something that I'll want to do rather than have to be paid to do. It may take me a while to figure this one out, but I'm hoping that it will hit me as I venture through life. If anyone has any insight on determining one's ideal job, please do share!

My other goals are partially dependent on the above, as they require more money than I am currently able to invest, and I'm hoping that my idea job will lead to improved financial status (dream big, right?). I've made a list, which I'm sure will change as time goes on:

  •  move out of my apartment and into a house outside of the suburbs
  • bring my dog to said house (he currently lives with my folks)
  • buy a baby horse and train it for the jumpers (and then compete)
  • get a new (to me) car with a standard transmission (right now I would like for it to be a TL)
  • learn to play the drums
  • Travel somewhere outside of North America
I realize that a lot of these aren't going to happen any time soon, but I don't think any of them are unattainable. I also have some very short term goals that I hope I will reach before I get to the long term ones:
  • remember to buy a snow brush/ice scraper for my car before the next snow fall
  • replace my headphones so they stop zapping my ears
  • go skating on the oval downtown (it's 'free' but we're paying for it really... may as well use it)
  • oh, and get my skates sharpened... before skating on the oval
 Those are my lists for now... time to go about crossing things off. I think the ice scraper is a good place to start.

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