Thursday 5 January 2012



I'm trying to find some sort of direction in my life, and I thought that a blog would be a good place to start. At the very least, I figured it would give me some accountability. In order to have enough content to make regular posts, I'll have to keep focused on my goal of self-growth.

If someone asked me where I'd like to be in ten years, I really couldn't provide a full answer. Of course, there's the standard "big house, nice car" answer, but those are material things. I'm talking about a fulfilling career... not necessarily financially, but one that I enjoy and that makes a difference.

I've recently made some big changes in my life, and although they were difficult, they've put me in a situation where I am very happy. I have a job that pays the bills, a happy relationship, a supportive group of friends and family, good health, and an assortment of hobbies that give me enjoyment in my down time. With all of these ducks in a row, I can focus on discovering my calling in life.

What spurred all this thought, you asked? I've read a few books over the past several weeks that have been very enlightening and have caused me to reflect upon my life and how I can draw more out of it. I'll get into each book a little more in future posts.

At this point, I have a pretty full life. I have a full-time job at a local law firm which occupies most of my days. I'm a cardio-addict... I'm at the gym more days than not, and I do some of my best thinking while working out. I take the bus to work every day, and began to tire of the repetitive ads posted above the seats, so I decided to take up reading again. I've just recently started drafting a novel which I hope to finish, if I can decide where it's going. I catch rides on other people's horses when I can since I no longer have one of my own. I have a dog who lives with my parents, but between visiting him and spending time with my boyfriend's dog (both are extraordinarily sooky), I get my dog fix. There's lots more to my life, but I'll share those tidbits as I go along.

Oh! ...and I like to bake, so check back for photos and reviews of delicious baked goods.


  1. I was just about to re-start my blog too for similar reasons! What books did you read that were enlightening? There's not a lot to do here when it's dark at 2pm, so I'm going to start reading a lot more. And learning Inuktitut. I look forward to reading your blog!

  2. See, I knew that you could start a blog too! Do you think that we somehow could we start some type of online blog happiness project?

    Or even just enlightening others with our lists of short and long term goals and sharing our successes. :)

  3. I'm going to post about them later... one was "The Happiness Project" and the other was "The 7 Virtues of a Philosopher Queen." Thanks for reading, Kristin!

    Nicole - that's kind of my plan!
